Emergency Preparedness

All disasters begin and end locally, often within the home. Prevention and preparation can go a long way to reduce negative human impacts. The Missoula County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) encourages Missoulians to:

1. Be informed. 2. Make a plan 3. Build a kit.

Follow OEM on Facebook and Twitter.

Nick Holloway (2)Nick Holloway is Programs Coordinator at the Missoula County Office of Emergency Management (OEM). OEM includes the Missoula 9-1-1 Center and Disaster and Emergency Services, which assists and coordinates emergency response components of Missoula County and the City of Missoula.  Nick is passionate improving disaster preparedness and resilience in Missoula.

Emergency Notifications: Smart911 is Your Answer

By NICK HOLLOWAY - The Missoula Office of Emergency Management reminds ... more

Is Your Family Ready For Wildfire Season?

By NICK HOLLOWAY - The Missoula Office of Emergency Management reminds ... more

Should I Stay or Should I Go: Evacuations in Missoula County

By NICK HOLLOWAY - During an emergency or a disaster, your family may n... more

“9-1-1 On Steroids” Can Save Your Life

The Missoula County Office of Emergency Management encourages Missoulians to sign up for new life-saving emergency response program.... more

Office of Emergency Management: Be Prepared, Make a Plan

The Missoula County Office of Emergency Management reminds us to be prepared and to have a plan--including an emergency kit in the event something unexpected occurs.... more