1078 6th Ave SW
Ronan, MT 59864
St. Luke Community Healthcare is a community owned and operated hospital located in Ronan, Montana. The hospital offers a 25-bed, all private rooms experience that provides high quality care and is a leader in patient satisfaction.
St. Luke provides technology and state-of-the-art facilities with an array of primary care and specialty services including the following:
Oncology Infusion Center
- Cardiopulmonary
- Convenient Care
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Emergency Room
- Grief Recovery Group
- Hearing Center
- Labratory
- Obstetrics
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Surgery
In addition St. Luke Community Healthcare has two family practice clinics in Polson (at 104 Rufus Lane and the new Ridgewater facility located at 107 Ridgewater Dr.) as well as community clinics in Ronan and St. Ignatius as well as a walk-in convenient care facility in Ronan.