Tips for Better Sleep When You Have Insomnia

Insomnia can lead to a poor lifestyle and several physical and mental health problems. To ensure you live a better and healthy life, you can take many steps to combat sleep issues naturally. If you’re one of those who have anxiety sleeping at night, you can even take a step as simple as investing in a super cozy Mela weighted blanket, which is specifically engineered to regulate a calm and deep sleep.

If you’re wondering what other tips can help you get a good night’s sleep irrespective of insomnia, keep reading this article.

Get Rid of All the Distractions

Whether it’s a dripping faucet, bright room light, or a noisy ticking clock, you need to get rid of them in order to get a good quality of sleep. If you live in a crowded area where traffic is busy round the clock or your neighbors are extra loud, you can think of purchasing earplugs or a white noise machine to cancel out all the distractions.

Don’t Binge On Unhealthy Snacks after Evening  

If you have a habit of binge-eating unhealthy snacks such as fried or spicy food especially before bedtime, this can lead to several digestive issues like gas or heartburn which may disrupt your sleep.

Therefore, if you really crave snacks at night, you should go for healthy snacks like milk with cereal or fruits to ensure you don’t suffer any discomfort.

Live an Active Lifestyle

As working out helps your body to release the happy hormones, endorphins, therefore, you should exercise at least five days a week for thirty minutes. However, you should keep in mind not to work out right before bedtime, as this will make you more tired and disrupt your sleep.

You can choose cycling, swimming, running or aerobics to get your muscles moving. Following a workout routine will allow you to stay calm and deal with anxiety at the same time.

Avoid Using Electronics

This tip can help you get better sleep naturally even if you have insomnia, as blue-light emitting devices can be a major obstacle in your sleep because they can suppress the release of sleep hormones.

Hence, you should completely avoid using electronic devices before bedtime and if it’s really necessary, you should consider wearing glasses that block blue light or download apps that block blue light on laptops, tablets, or smartphones.

Regulate Your Circadian Rhythm

Your sleep-wake cycle regulates your sleep and if you find it hard to sleep when you go to bed, therefore, making your insomnia even worse, you need to regulate your circadian rhythm.

You can do so by sticking to your sleep schedule, and your body will be trained over time to sleep and wake at a certain time. For instance, sleeping by 11 pm and waking up by 6 am every day will train your circadian rhythm and will prevent countless tosses and turns.

Keep Your Naps Short

Taking naps can be ideal to get rid of extra fatigue during the day, and it can definitely make you more relaxed and calmer. However, your naps should not last for hours as you won’t be able to sleep at your bedtime, and it will make you anxious.

It’s usually recommended to nap for no longer than 20 minutes, otherwise, you will feel groggy and disoriented during the day, let alone the sleep issue during the night.

Practice Relaxing Techniques

Constant thoughts running in your mind at bedtime can cause a hindrance to your goodnight’s sleep. You need to relax your mind and completely shut down any negative thoughts before going to bed.

Hence, you should try relaxing techniques like meditation or a 5-minute yoga right before bedtime. Journaling is another great way to help you overcome negative vibes and help you unwind.