What You Should Know About Moringa

Kale, Matcha, and Quinoa; these three superfoods have gained massive popularity over the last few years. Now, another superfood is on the rise, ready to give the current ones a run for their money. Moringa, also known as the drumstick tree, has been popping up everywhere recently, and its benefits are quite surreal – at least that’s what’s been circulating. After having done our own research on the topic, we can confidently tell you that this superfood is real. Here’s everything you need to know about moringa.

What is it?

This up and coming superfood is nothing but a plant, a tree, actually. Known by its scientific name, Moringa oleifera, the tree is native to India and southern Asia. One thing you should know is that all parts of the plant are edible, each with its own precise concentration of vitamins and nutrients. In other words, the entire tree from root to fruit can help you one way or another, especially if you’re not getting enough vitamins and protein in your diet.

As per scientific research on the nutritional components of the different parts of the tree, the fruit was discovered to contain the highest amounts of protein, Calcium, and Potassium. Meanwhile, the bark was found to contain the highest amounts of Iron and the roots were high up there when it came to Zinc and Magnesium. Not to mention, a hundred grams of moringa leaves pack with them a whopping 34 grams of fiber. Compare that to the 7 grams of fiber that come with the same amount of whole-grain bread or the 16 grams that come with quinoa. It looks like moringa is playing in a league of its own.

How to Use it?

After rambling on about moringa’s components, it’s only fair that we also give you all the details on how to seize the benefits of this magical plant. As you’ve read in the previous paragraphs, all parts of the plant are edible so, when it comes to its availability in the market, there are no shortages. The best part is that you can fulfill your intake through various means. According to moringaproducts.com.au, you can find the plant in the form of capsules, powder, oil, and even tea bags. So, if you thought that your fiber intake must come solely from food, think again! A capsule or a smoothie in the morning and a cup of tea in the afternoon can pack a significant boost of nutrients.

You can also incorporate moringa in your daily meals. It can be as simple as throwing it into a blender, into a meal along with your usual herbs, or even on top of a bowl of rice as a garnish. However, if you dabble with cooking, there’s no doubt you’d appreciate something a little more sophisticated. You can’t go wrong with a moringa soup or a stir-fry. Moringa’s native, the Indian cuisine, is also full of recipes worth trying. 


There’s no need to stress further on the nutritious value of moringa. For the vegans and vegetarians who have constantly been asked, “But, where do you get your protein?” Moringa will silence whoever it is in front of you. Aside from that, the plant is full of antioxidants which reduce the risk of heart diseases, cancer and promote skin and hair health. If that’s not enough, you’d be happy to know that the plant also has a positive impact on the lungs, kidneys, and our beloved, much-exhausted livers.

In addition, moringa leaves have anti-inflammatory properties which make them an effective solution to edema, arthritis, and muscle pain. Last but not least, certain components in moringa help in fighting cholesterol build-up on artery walls which, in other words, means that it can reduce blood pressure.

Interactions with Medications

As with any new, unusual addition to your diet, it’s important to consult your doctor beforehand, especially if you are taking certain medications. Levothyroxine, for example, is a thyroid medication the uptake of which is slowed down by moringa. Your body will only absorb little amounts of the medication which won’t be enough for you. Other medications that lower blood pressure may not be a good fit with moringa, either. The plant already lowers blood pressure on its own, any added help could endanger you. Keep in mind, however, that the plant is not dangerous on its own. According to scientific research, no side effects have been discovered.

With all of this in mind, before you make your purchase, make sure you’re buying from a reliable supplier with a high-quality product. On one hand, the plant itself has high concentrations of various nutrients and vitamins, but the production and manufacturing processes play a big role in the final nutritional value that you end up consuming. Remember that the price doesn’t matter as much as having a supplier you can trust.