How To Prevent Your Acne From Leaving Scars

Acne can be stressful to both manage and live with.  You can always have breakouts and if you are not careful with the way you manage your acne you may end up with acne scars. Scars can be worse off than acne depending on how much you value the clarity of your skin. There are different types of acne scars ranging from rolling scars, keloid scars, icepick scars, and boxcar scars.  You would definitely want to avoid having any acne scars. 

This is how to prevent your acne from leaving scars:

Don’t Pop Acne Pimples

The urge to pop your pimples is often irresistible but have in mind that this will only do you more harm than good. Anytime you pop an acne pimple you release all the bacteria, debris, dirt, and oil in that pimple onto your skin surface. You will leave your skin with an open wound that attracts more bacteria and you are likely to experience more acne breakouts. Once that wound healing process gets interfered with, you will have an acne scar. According to dermatologists at Averra Glow if you find it difficult to avoid popping pimples, cover them with a hydrocolloid bandage as it is often used in treating cystic acne and it can speed up your skin’s healing process and it can bar you from popping pimples resulting in scarring. Acne is deeply settled in the skin and thus picking and popping your pimples only damages the epidermis and can never get into the root of the pimple to eradicate it. You only increase the chances of having acne scars if you pick your pimples.

Avoid the Sun as Much as You Can

The sun can darken the acne scars and spots you already have. You can apply ideal sunscreens every time you are going out to the sun to prevent the sun rays from fostering the spots on your skin. Damage from the sun can make your acne spots more conspicuous. Remember that using acne treatments also predisposes your skin to ultraviolet rays which you will always interact with while in the sun. The sun can also make your wounds take long to heal so ensure if you struggle with acne use sunscreens daily. You can also wear a hat while outdoors to reduce the number of sunrays that shall hit your skin surface. There are several sunscreen tips you can use to protect your skin from the sun’s damage in different seasons of the year.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized

Moisturizing your skin with healthy and safe moisturizers is a simple way to keep your skin glowing and healthy. Moisturizing also enhances the healing process of your skin if there are acne breakouts. Moisturizing your skin also hides the acne scars as these products unify the texture and tone of your skin. You should, however, avoid taking hot showers as they can make your skin more sensitive. Apply a moisturizer on your skin every day to prevent your skin from drying out

Act on Your Breakouts Immediately

As soon as you feel acne is developing on your skin, do not wait for it to become full-blown rather act fast. Immediate treatment can help you prevent acne from becoming more severe. Remember severe acne is the most likely to cause scarring. Use products like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid can help you treat newly emerging acne and prevent the breakout of more acne in the future. Another thing to do is to keep hydrated. As soon as you realize some acne is developing, maintain your body’s hydration levels as a way of detoxifying your body and reducing the chances of more acne developing. Ensure you change your bedding as dirty bedding can also encourage bacteria-causing acne to multiply and you might have more breakouts. Hydration also maintains the skin’s subtleness and hence helps prevent scars and spots. Preventing acne is equal to preventing scars. 

Avoid picking scabs on your acne wounds as these scabs act as your skin’s shield to protect the wound while it heals. Anytime you pick a scab off your acne wounds, you lengthen the healing process of the wound and increase the chances of scarring. Let your skin shade off the scab once the wound has fully healed. Understand your skin type to know whether it is prone to scarring. Consult your dermatologists if this is the case with you as they can advise on the best remedies that can help your acne disappear without leaving scars. Using appropriate over-the-counter medication can also help you effectively treat your acne and thus reduce the chances of you having acne scars. Cortisol shots by your dermatologist can also prevent your acne from scarring.