The Lifestyle Changes You Need To Make To Sleep Better At Night

It is perhaps not surprising that many of us have difficulty falling asleep, considering all the factors of modern life that can interfere with getting a good night’s rest. The stress of work, changing sleep schedules, and busy daily routines have all led to a significant proportion of the world’s population not getting enough sleep. While you may not be able to control all the factors that affect your sleep, there are certain lifestyle changes which can help you sleep better at night. 

Here are some simple tips for better sleep. Read on to learn more!

1. Maintain a Fixed Sleeping Schedule

A healthy adult is recommended to sleep at least seven hours a day as spending more or less than 8 hours sleeping in bed can affect your sleep quality at night. It’s best to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Also, on the weekend, try to limit the difference in your sleep schedule, so you will be able to wake up Monday and won’t feel terrible the whole day. Having a consistent sleeping schedule will reinforce your body cycle. If you can’t fall asleep after 15 minutes, it’s okay, you can leave your bedroom, do something relaxing then come back to bed.

2. Make Changes in Your Diet

If you always go to bed full, it can prevent you from falling asleep. Avoid eating anything right before bed, especially heavy or large meals, as the discomfort can keep you up. To cure midnight cravings, you should choose something light such as a small glass of milk or a non-sugar snack. Spicy, acidic and fatty foods can cause heartburn, which will also subsequently hinder sleep.

It’s also important to be careful about your nicotine, caffeine and alcohol intake. The stimulating effect of these chemicals can last for hours after use. It’s best that you should stop consuming caffeine at least six hours before bed. Some foods contain caffeine that you may not be aware of, so check food labels to avoid unwanted caffeine consumption before bed. 

3. Improve Your Sleep Environment

One of the most important factors that affects your sleep quality is your environment. Often, a cool, dark and quiet room that is not exposed to light will make it easy for you to fall asleep. It is important to stop using light-emitting screens before bedtime to get your brain ready to sleep. If your bedroom is not currently ideal for promoting sleep, consider using room-darkening shades,  earplugs, and an air conditioner to create an environment that makes you feel the most comfortable. You will also fall asleep faster if your body is relaxed after calming activities such as taking a bath or meditation. 

Your sleep quality is also significantly affected by the quality of your mattress. The experts at explain that sleeping on a mattress which has the function to adjust the fitness and position will usually give you a better night’s sleep. This type of mattress can help you find the perfect sleeping position, which enables you to fall asleep faster, longer and wake up fresher. The reclining effects also help relieve chronic pain as you can select different leg and head positions. Furthermore, adjustable firmness mattresses help improve your circulation by lifting your upper back and lower body. 

4. Get Enough Physical Activity

Adding physical activity to your daily routine uses up all your energy for the day, which can promote better sleep. However, you should avoid being active too close to bedtime, as your body may feel extremely awake right after exercise. It doesn’t have to be a serious workout, just getting yourself outside is enough to help you get a good night’s sleep. Exercise also releases certain hormones that help relieve stress, which is a major factor that contributes to insomnia.

5. Moderate your Stress Levels

Have you ever gone to bed and kept thinking about certain things that have happened during the day or your plans for tomorrow? If so, your worries may be affecting your sleep quality. It really helps to resolve your worries and concerns before bedtime, let go of what’s on your mind and set it aside for tomorrow. Meditation is a great way to do this. You can also take a stress management class, read a book or listen to soft music. Start with the basics, such as setting priorities for your tasks and meditate to ease your anxiety. 

The quality of our sleep is so important. We need a good night’s sleep to be able to function mentally and physically well. Without enough sleep, you can be irritable, weak and have difficulty concentrating. In our busy daily lives, we often delay sleep and find it hard to fall asleep when we actually want to. Little changes in your lifestyle during the day can affect your sleep significantly.