5 Sleep Hygiene Tips for the Whole Family

Sleep hygiene is a relatively new term for describing what is simply known as proper sleeping habits. Human beings are creatures of habit, so it makes that we turn good sleep hygiene practices into bedtime habits for not just the children, but the whole family. With restful sleep in mind, let’s look at what are the best practices for quality sleep, which the entire family should turn into regular habits.

Bedtime is Not Just Meant to be Good for Children

Growing children need more sleep and a proper sleeping routine more than older age groups. However, just because they need it more, it does not mean that adults don’t need a proper sleep routine, too. Studies show that adults who maintain a fixed bedtime tend to function better throughout the day than adults who do not.

They have more energy, display greater cognitive alertness, and tend to be less susceptible to sleep-related disorders at any stage of their life. If you have an erratic schedule that makes it difficult for you to sleep early even when you have the opportunity to do so, try this sleep drink to get back into your circadian rhythm.

A Consistent Waking Time is Just as Important

Going to bed on time is the first step towards developing proper sleep hygiene, but it’s just the first step. You must also wake up at the same time each and every morning. There will be days when this healthy habit will have to be broken for some reason, but it won’t matter if you still get back to your usual routine as soon as possible.

Sleep More During the Night Hours

Living in a modern civilization with artificial light everywhere means it is difficult to maintain a biological clock that is genetically supposed to make us night-time sleepers. However, when we adhere to a sleeping pattern that keeps most of our regular sleep hours between sunset and sunrise, the results can be extremely beneficial. Check out some of the benefits of nighttime sleeping habits here.

Maintain a Minimum Sleep Quota

Whether you can maintain a fixed sleeping schedule or not, you must sleep for at least 7 – 8 hours every day. For best results, sleep for 8 – 9 hours straight within a fixed time frame every night. However, that may not always be a possibility for everyone, especially if you work night shifts or if you are an emergency worker with no fixed schedule. Make up for the sleep you are losing at night by sleeping at least 8-hours during the day. This should not be considered as a long-term substitute for a good night’s sleep but getting the minimum quota of your sleep every 24 hours will still keep most of the adverse health risks away.

Maintain a Big Gap Between Your Last Cup of Coffee and Bedtime

Caffeine in any form, be it via a cup of coffee or a can of energy drink will disrupt sleep because that is the main reason why we drink coffee or take an energy drink. We drink the stuff to stay alert, so unless you wish to stay alert and awake deep into the early hours, maintain a big gap between your bedtime and the last sip.

Finally, some light exercise can also be immensely helpful if you did not already have a tiring day. Entering a dark bedroom and lying down on a comfy bed when you are tired is the best way to fall asleep and stay that way for 7 – 9 hours. Do not oversleep and cross the 10-hour mark though because that can lead to other health issues over time.