How to Improve Our Mental Health Due to the Impact of the Pandemic

Global pandemics used to be something you’d only see in dystopian movies or read about in novels. The Spanish flu pandemic that hit the world just after the Great War has been largely forgotten. Yet, this year we’ve received a stern reminder that not much has changed in over 100 years of technological evolution.

The financial and material damages are just the tip of the iceberg. Mental health damage inflicted during this time of crisis is immense. Join us as we go into some ways you can improve your mental health. 

Understanding the Impact of Pandemic on Mental Health 

To find a solution to a problem, we first need to accept that a problem exists in the first place. Unfortunately, that won’t be an issue as far as the mental health consequences of COVID-19 are concerned. This issue is so multifaceted that it will probably take mental health professionals years to figure out the scope of long term damage

On one hand, there’s the general population that is largely placed in isolation, burdened with bills and other existential crises, all the while being left with limited opportunities to find work. First surveys show a massive spike in anxiety, which is an issue that might evolve into long term mental health consequences for some. 

Then, there are medical and healthcare workers who will come out of this pandemic with battle scars and severe cases of PTSD. 

How to Individually Deal With the Pandemic 

Dealing with the pandemic has pushed many to the brink. Counselors from C4i Canada argue that many have found solace in prayer, while others had to take concrete steps toward preserving their mental health. Each person has had to find their own way. 

That being said, there are a few strategies and tips you can use to improve your mental health that have shown concrete results. 

Limit the Consumption of News 

We live in the information age where the news and various forms of entertainment are readily available. This freedom to access the information we need at any given moment is a double-edged sword, to say the least. 

Most of us are suffering from information overload. We’re bombarded by bad news all day, from the moment we wake up until we go to bed. Limiting your exposure to news and other informative media can help you recuperate and ease the anxiety caused by the ongoing pandemic. 

Create a Routine 

Humans are constantly looking for patterns and where there are none, we make our own. This is partially why routines are such a big part of our lives. The world is currently all over the place. No one can guarantee what will happen tomorrow, which is why many feel helpless at the moment. 

That being said, establishing a daily routine offers something solid to grab a hold of, something tangible and constant. A routine can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. The only real criterion is that you follow it every day. 

We strongly suggest adding exercise to your routine as it will definitely bring your mental health a notch higher. 


The benefits of exercise on mental health are well known by now. Working out causes the release of endorphin, which has a positive effect on mood. In other words, by exercising, you are making changes to your brain’s chemistry, which can have long term positive effects on your mental health. 

That aside, working out is a well-known self-esteem booster. Looking good and feeling healthy won’t solve all your problems for you, but it will help you reach your mental health goals a bit quicker. 

Find a Distraction 

If you’ve found yourself spending most of your time at home, it’s a good idea to find a distraction of some kind. Whether it’s gaming, reading, or a hobby, find something that helps you take your mind off of the current crisis. 

An activity that allows you to completely forget about the pandemic is a hot commodity these days. Find one that works for you and don’t refrain from taking part in it often. 

The Solution is Close 

The most important thing to remember is that all of this is temporary. At the time this short guide is being published, several vaccines are distributed around the world. The end of the pandemic is near, you just have to hold on for a bit longer. 

Don’t let yourself lose hope in these trying times. As bleak as things look right now, everything will slowly go back to normal within a year.