6 Tips To Ensure Safe Drinking Water In Montana

If there is one thing that humans cannot survive for long without, it is water. A person could go without food for over three weeks, but without water, you would be gone in under a week. This is why it’s essential that you drink water regularly since at least 60 percent of your body is made out of water. The benefits of staying hydrated regularly are too many to list, but it is something that you have to be diligent about. Moreover, you have to make sure that you are getting clean drinking water. In Montana, you might face some complications doing that. These tips will help you ensure that you are drinking safe water in Montana.

1. Understand the Source

Before you can do anything about the water coming out of the tap, you have to understand the source of the water coming to you so you would understand the logical course of action. So, call the local water utility company and ask them point-blank. Ask about the source of the water and just how safe it is to drink. Is it underground water or is it coming from a river or other surface sources? Does this water get inspected by the EPA? If so, when was the last time that happened? What kind of disinfectants do they use to purify the water? What are the main minerals found in this water source? 

You are entitled to get answers to all those questions, and this will help you understand what kind of situation you are dealing with. If you are not sure which entity to reach out to ask those questions in Montana, just check your utility bill and you will find the company name and contact information. If that doesn’t work, reach out to government hotlines. The important thing is you shouldn’t stop until you find the answers.

2. Consider Testing It Yourself  

Maybe the answers you got weren’t satisfying enough, or maybe you just didn’t buy what they had to say. It is also possible that your water comes from well systems and well pumps near your property. In any case, nothing is stopping you from doing your independent investigation into the clarity and purity of the water you are supposed to be drinking. Naturally, you will not be able to do it yourself, the testing, that is. So, get a water sample and take it to an independent laboratory –– it has to be EPA-certified though, so you can rest assured that they comply with the highest standards. This testing will help you understand the quality of your drinking water in Montana and the concentration of minerals, harmful or not, in the water.

3. Filter

If the test results proved that your drinking water is not entirely safe, then you need to start considering filtration options. There are different approaches to cleaning your water, but not all will be suitable for you in the long run and this is why filtration is the better choice. You can get yourself a water filter pitcher, and you can see water tech’s review to learn about the best available options. This is an excellent and simple way to remove contaminants from the water, and it is a low-cost approach that doesn’t require much maintenance, so it is quite convenient. 

Other people like to go with reverse-osmosis filtration systems or whole house filtration, but that is a much more expensive option. This kind of filtration system also requires regular maintenance so it could run smoothly without any problems.

4. Disinfect 

If boiling water or using a filtration system won’t work with you for any reason, then disinfection might be the next best thing. Chemical disinfectants can be very efficient in killing any harmful bacteria and viruses in the water, but they might not work with certain parasites. Chlorine tablets are the most popular type of chemical disinfectants, but you shouldn’t use them haphazardly. So, it is crucial to use them following the manufacturer’s guidelines so you could get the best possible results. Chlorine tablets won’t work with a chemical contaminating your water, which is why you need to understand what exactly plagues your water so you could make the right move.

This is another option that you have in Montana. Unfortunately, buying bottled drinking water isn’t an option that works with everyone. It could be quite costly in the long run, and not everybody can afford to buy bottles of water every day. Still, if money isn’t an issue, then this is a very valid approach that could make your life easy because there isn’t any filtration or chemical disinfection happening. Be careful, though, because bottled water isn’t always ideal. Some companies sell bottles of water filled with pollutants and harmful minerals. So, you need to make sure you are dealing with a decent brand, or at least take a bottle for testing so you could be sure that this is safe to drink. 

5. Bottled Water

This is another option that you have in Montana. Unfortunately, buying bottled drinking water isn’t an option that works with everyone. It could be quite costly in the long run, and not everybody can afford to buy bottles of water every day. Still, if money isn’t an issue, then this is a very valid approach that could make your life easy because there isn’t any filtration or chemical disinfection happening. Be careful, though, because bottled water isn’t always ideal. Some companies sell bottles of water filled with pollutants and harmful minerals. So, you need to make sure you are dealing with a decent brand, or at least take a bottle for testing so you could be sure that this is safe to drink. 

6. Distillation 

Distillation is another way that might work, but it might be too much work for some people. It is still a pretty decent way to ensure safe drinking water, and a lot of people have DIY systems in place to use this method. Distillation works by boiling the water first, and then you collect the steam in a clean container. The final step is that steam converts to clean drinking water after some time. It is not exactly easy, but it is very efficient and gets the job done. 

This all might seem like too much work for some people, but you can never be too sure. As mentioned earlier, water makes for the majority of our bodies, and you have to keep hydrated at all times. The last thing you need is for the water you drink to be unclean or unfit for drinking because it contains pollutants, chemicals, or viruses, and bacteria. So, whether you are in Montana or any other part of the country, go the extra mile to ensure that your drinking water is safe and won’t harm you.