Top 3 Attitudes to Develop When Overcoming Addiction

Addiction is preventable and treatable. Many people assume that drug addicts do not have the willpower to stop using drugs. This is, however, a misconception because overcoming addiction cannot be achieved by only sheer will. Developing an addiction takes time, and this also means that the recovery progress will take time. The process can be draining. To effectively overcome addiction and reduce the chances of relapse, you can adopt the following attitudes in your recovery journey.


When trying to overcome an addiction, some approaches might not work for you. Be willing to explore different approaches because there isn’t a single approach or recovery program that works for everyone. Community-based approaches and programs like AA and NA might work for a lot of people, but certainly not everyone. Some people might achieve recovery faster and more effectively when they are in a structured inpatient rehab program. There are other alternatives like behavioral therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture and yoga that work perfectly for some people who are overcoming addictions. Your open-mindedness will help you find and accept to undergo treatments, therapies, and programs that will work best for you, even when they are not what you expected.


Recovering from an addiction cannot be treated like a race. It is a journey, and it will take time, patience and effort. Although an instant solution would be great, it does not exist when it comes to drug addiction recovery. Develop perseverance on this journey. It will prepare you, better for the challenges of recovery. For encouragement, celebrate your small and big wins along the way. Understand that the road to recovery is not easy.

After being chemically dependent is choosing to step out of your comfort zone. The ultimate goal might seem unworthy of all the work that you need to do to achieve it. Fill your mind with information that will remind you of the course at hand. Read more here as you continually train your body and mind to persevere and remain patient. Your journey to overcoming addiction will feel lighter. In working towards an honest recovery, you need to adopt patience as your most valuable attitude. Deal with things as they come. This will support your progress.

Be conscious and intentional about your patience by practicing mindful meditation, taking the long path, setting achievable goals, doing time-consuming activities and getting your emotions out through talking or writing. Patience, when coupled with other ways of dealing with addiction, is golden.


Greet every day with new found hope and make a conscious decision to put in the best effort to heighten your chances of success in overcoming addiction. Your optimism will also give those around you hope, and they will appreciate your ethic and positive outlook. No step is easy but having a positive outlook to things will make it look and feel easier for you. Look at things with an eye of hope even when the progress seems slow, and you are tempted to give up. A positive attitude will give you a substantial advantage in recovery.

Overcoming addiction is achievable. Sometimes deciding that you want to overcome is the most challenging step. Once you accept that you need to overcome your addiction and make the first step towards achieving this, you are good to go. All you will need is willpower, a good attitude, proper treatment or therapy, and support from the people around you.