Parasitic Infections and You: A Definitive Guide

Parasites and parasitic infections are usually attributed to third-world countries where the hygiene is at a very low level. Most people believe that parasites are a problem only for those countries. This could not be further from the truth. Parasites are very common and there are a lucky few whose immune systems are strong enough to keep them out naturally. For the rest of us, a parasite awareness and protocol is in order.

Symptoms of a Parasite Infection

The old way of detecting parasites was to look for signs of their eggs. This method has been debunked as parasites can exist in the body without even releasing eggs outside of the intestines. There are, however, numerous subtle symptoms that one may not attribute to parasites. Having multiple of these symptoms should ring a bell that you might be the host of foreign organisms.

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas and bloating
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Allergies
  • Weight abnormalities
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Decreased immunity
  • Inflammation throughout the body
  • Skin rashes and eczema
  • Insomnia

Getting Rid of Parasites

In medical practice, certain chemical compounds exist that are prescribed for parasitic infections. They work at eliminating the parasites quickly. For those that want to go the natural route with tools of nature, there is some natural advice on how to prevent parasitic worms in humans. Here are different methods of cleaning your body of parasites.


Diet plays a huge part in whether you are feeding or eliminating parasites. Parasites feed on certain types of foods. Because parasites require a certain type of environment, any food that feeds fungus and bacteria will also promote the breeding of parasites within the body. Foods that are high in sugar and highly processed foods increase the pathological microbes inside the intestines that in turn creates a breeding ground for worms.


Herbs contain natural chemicals which are inimical to parasites. Herbs that are used to kill off parasites are:

  • Black Walnut: Black walnut has high amounts of the compound juglone. It is a toxic compound to bacteria and fungus. Black walnut also has a mild laxative effect that helps move the debris and toxic byproducts of a parasite die-off.
  • Wormwood: Wormwood is a very bitter herb that has been used for thousands of years for the purpose of cleansing the body. It is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory products out there. Besides this, wormwood has anti-fungal properties, antibiotic properties, improves immunity, and stimulates digestion.
  • Garlic: Garlic is a food that can easily be added to your everyday diet. It has antimicrobial properties.
  • Oregano: Oregano is a powerful antibiotic herb that kills off parasites, fungi, bacteria, and even viruses.
  • Neem: Neem is a leaf that grows in southern Asia and is widely used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Neem is potent in handling fungi, viruses, and bacteria. The compound nimbidin is responsible for its ability to ward off parasites.
  • Grapefruit seeds: Of all the citrus fruits, grapefruit is the most bitter and, therefore, the most potent. The bioflavonoids found inside are antioxidants which do not leave room for bad bacteria to breed or survive.
  • Cloves: Cloves are some of the most antioxidant rich foods on the planet. The eugenol found inside of has the capacity to kill off parasites not only in the gut but throughout the whole body as they can get into the bloodstream. This compound is also efficient in killing off parasitic eggs.
  • Black walnut: Black walnut is an herb that is able to expose parasites to the body’s own immune system. This helps the body fight with the parasites that it could not see before because of their biofilm coating.
  • Olive leaf: Olive leaf has cytokines that kill of bacteria and parasites that are hard to be killed with other herbs.
  • Papaya and pineapple: Papaya and pineapple are two fruits that can act as an herbal remedy when it comes to parasites. Both of these fruits contain powerful enzymes which disrupt and destroy the life cycle of parasites.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds can be added to the diet every day to treat and prevent a parasite infestation. They contain substances known as tetracyclic triterpenes that are released when they are chewed or ground. This substance paralyzes and poisons the worms that are forced to let go of their hold on the intestinal wall. After they are paralyzed, you will need to take some form of laxative and fiber to move them out before they wake up and reattach to the gut wall.

Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is a very fine powdered form of fossil algae. It is used in industrial settings but its many benefits make it a popular health supplement. Food-grade diatomaceous earth is used for humans because the common diatomaceous earth is not suitable for internal use. Used as an insecticide, the diatomaceous earth contains silica which strips off the waxy biofilm of insects and parasites. When this film is gone, the parasite dehydrates and dies off.

Taking Care of the Liver

During a parasite cleanse, numerous bacteria, fungi, and parasites will die off. The die-off will leave a large number of toxins that need to be taken out of the body. The liver is the primary filter of toxins. To relieve it and prevent constipation, drink plenty of water during the cleanse and take supplements that can help your liver to perform better. This includes milk thistle and dandelion root.

A Holistic Approach

A full parasite cleanse should take about a month and must be done every 6 months for the best effect. Anti-parasitic foods and herbs can be taken all year round for a permanent effect. Follow a good diet, and consume anti-parasitic herbs and supplements for two weeks. Take a week of break, and then continue the regime for two more weeks. But whatever the case, consult a doctor, remember to know what parasite you’re dealing with and do research on treatments you can do aside what is suggested to you by your physician.