Common Ear-Related Problems You Should Know and How to Safely Address Them

Ranging from pain to infections and hearing loss, ear-related problems can be uncomfortable and quite distressing. In many cases, the problem is worse if both ears are affected. They could stem from a wide range of courses, including physical injury, illness, medication, and sound pollution, just to name a few. This is heightened by the fact that the ears are extremely delicate organs, especially the inner parts. All the same, the good news is that most of these issues have solutions.

Without any further ado, here are the common ear-related problems you should know and how to safely address them.

1. Hearing Loss 

As you might already know, hearing loss is by far the most common ear-related problem anyone can have. In many people, it develops with old age. Also, factors such as exposure to loud noise and physical impact can cause damage to the inner parts of the ear, leading to hearing loss. When it occurs partially, hearing aids are a common solution. For those with severe hearing loss cases, Unitron hearing aids are often recommended by hearing specialists. High-quality hearing aids are also equipped with additional AI features that help keep track of your overall health. They are also available in a range of styles and designs to choose from based on one’s needs and preferences.

2. Ear Infections

Whether chronic or acute, ear infections can be really painful and distressing. These infections occur as a result of bacterial or viral infection that affects the middle ear. If not diagnosed and treated early, ear infections can be chronic, fail to clear up, recur many times, or even worst-case scenario, can permanently damage your both middle and inner ear. Here are some factors that increase the chances of developing ear-related infections.

  • Climate changes
  • Recent illness or ear infection
  • Altitude changes
  • Pacifier
  • Exposure to cigarette smoke

Nevertheless, ear infections are diagnosable and treatable. While most ear infections might clear up without any medical intervention, it is advisable to consult a respectable hearing health expert. Some ear infections could be recurrent or chronic due to the presence of some antibiotic-resistant bacteria-so your doctor might take some ear fluid samples to run further tests. Also, your doctor might request a computed tomography CT scan of the patient’s head. That way, he/she can determine how much the infection has spread. 

Also, when it comes to mild ear infections, simple things such as applying a warm piece of damp cloth to the affected ear can work wonders in relieving pain and distress. Additionally, other interventions such as OTC prescription ear drops help relieve pain and distress.

3. Glue Ear

Glue ear, also known as otitis media with effusion is another ear-related problem commonly seen in young children. This condition is caused by a sticky, glue-like fluid that fills the middle part of the ear. The tiny bones responsible for carrying sound vibrations to the cochlea get blocked, hence causing a hearing problem. It is prevalent in children between the ages of one to six. Glue ear may affect one or even both ears. While in most children Glue ear hearing loss clears up by itself within 6 to 10 weeks, if it lasts more than three months, then you need specialized treatment. The doctor might prescribe grommets insertion or temporary hearing aids.

4. Ear Congestion

Ear congestion is also referred to as Ear popping. The ear-related problem mostly occurs when the Eustachian tube gets clogged. This clogging of the ears may be caused by any common cold and flu, allergies, and sinusitis, as well as external irritants like tobacco smoke. The condition causes a feeling of pressure inside the ears, and may also cause pain alongside muffled hearing. Nasal decongestants and nasal rinses often help treat the condition. Humidifiers also help in remaining hydrated and thinning the nasal mucus. For those with allergies, antihistamines can help.

5. Excessive Ear Wax

While ear wax is beneficial to our ears, excess ear wax can cause a blockage. If it occurs, using your fingers or cotton buds might not be a significant solution for removing the excess ear wax. In fact, doing that may only push the wax further into the ear, possibly aggravating the symptoms. Instead, you can remedy this problem by putting 2 to 3 drops of olive oil in your ear twice a day and the earwax buildup should fall out within two weeks. All the same, seeking expert advice for ear wax removal is a wiser move.

Our ears are quite delicate and overlay important in our day-to-day operations. No one would wish to wake up one day to complete the silence that lasts the rest of their lives. This is why occasional ear checkup is recommended, especially when exhibiting some of the symptoms mentioned in this piece.