Is Drooling in Your Sleep Normal?

Every night you get comfortable under your comforter and blankets, you find that right spot, and you slowly drift off to sleep. In the morning, you wake to find that you’ve done it again – you’ve drooled all over the side of your face and on the pillow or sheets. It’s a common problem that plenty of people find themselves dealing with on a nightly basis, but it doesn’t make it any more enjoyable to deal with. Waking up with drool on your fast is gross, not very attractive for your partner, and a pain when you have to constantly clean your sheets.

Drooling is common, but as it was said, it’s also not something you want to find yourself dealing with every night for the rest of your life. Something’s got to give, and it’s about time you start taking back your nightly slumber to the point that it’s fully enjoyable, with no morning surprise. 

Here are some helpful answers to common questions that you may have regarding drooling in your sleep.

Is Drooling Normal?

Yes, there’s no reason to fear some drool in your sleep. While there aren’t many concrete numbers out there to indicate how common it is, it’s more likely than you think. Some people drool nightly, others only occasionally because of the many causes, but if you’re concerned, it’s likely not a big deal and it’s perfectly normal.

Why Does Drooling Occur?

There are plenty of reasons why you are drooling in your sleep. It could be a result of allergies, like nasal blockages, it could be sleep apnea, it could be that you’re not getting a comfortable enough sleep, or it could be that you’re lying on your stomach or back. The key to stop drooling when sleeping is to pinpoint the problem, which may be heard because you’re asleep. If possible, have your partner observe how you sleep to see if it’s any of those problems. It’s also a good idea to see your doctor get their verdict.

Does Drooling During Sleep Indicate a Problem?

It was noted that drooling during your sleep is normal, and it’s usually not a big cause for alarm, but it could be signs that you may have a condition you didn’t know about. Sleep apnea is the tightening of your throat passageway which causes snoring. It’s not fatal, but it could make sleeping harder as you get older. Similarly, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder) is an issue with your stomach acid and swallowing which may cause saliva to pool. It could also be simple problems like sleeping with your mouth open or nasal congestion, so it’s important to see your doctor help determine if what you’re experiencing is something fixable through behavior or if it’s a medical matter.

How Can I Stop Drooling While Sleeping?

To stop drooling, there are plenty of solutions. 1.) Start sleeping on your back to prevent saliva from coming out 2.) Reduce your saliva content with various tricks (sucking on a lemon wedge before bed) 3.) Clear nasal congestion with medication or sinus-clearing water devices 4.) Medication for certain conditions (GERD) 5.) CPAP machine if sleep apnea is a serious concern as per your doctor’s recommendation. There is a lot that can cause drooling in your sleep which means there are a lot of ways to go about treating it. Some may be more intensive than others, and some might work for various reasons for drooling, but it’s good to get it figured out as quickly as possible.

When Should I Talk to a Doctor About It?

If drooling becomes a nightly thing and it’s excessive, it might not be something to worry about but it probably warrants talking to your doctor. Infection, continuous sore throat, or the inability to sleep because of this problem is something your doctor should know about. If it’s a condition that requires medication or treatment or even a CPAP machine for sleep apnea, you’ll want to set up an appointment at a sleep center. In many cases, the home remedies or behavioral changes will do their job well enough, but it could be more serious and need attention which is when your doctor comes into the picture.

Drooling is a natural and normal phenomenon, but when you’re dealing with it, it feels much worse than that. It’s no reason to panic, and there’s usually a very easy explanation, but sometimes it can be more serious. Whether it’s a simple fix or something more complicated, this information should help you see that it’s nothing to get too worked up over.