How To Avoid The Most Common Causes Of Road Accidents

There are a lot of things that can cause accidents on the road. Distracted drivers, pedestrians not paying attention to their surroundings, and other drivers going too fast for conditions are just a few. In this blog post, we will discuss some steps you can take to make sure you stay safe out there!


Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol has severe consequences. It can cause road accidents resulting in injuries or fatalities, often with other innocent people involved as well. Driving while intoxicated will lead to criminal charges if you are caught by police officers which may result in fines, jail time, or even both punishments combined. If your driving behavior led to an accident that resulted in damages it will be best to contact a car accident attorney to explain your side of the story. You need to know how much is safe for you to consume before getting behind the wheel so do not rely solely on what others tell you about their experiences when drinking before driving – it’s better if YOU take care of yourself! Do not risk ruining your life over a night out partying because chances are likely that the same will happen to you.

Driving Distracted

Drivers distracted by their phones are more likely to get in accidents. This is because drivers engaged with their phones tend to speed, change lanes without signaling, and don’t pay attention while driving through intersections where there could be other cars or pedestrians crossing the road. Statistics show that texting behind the wheel makes you 23 times more likely to get into an accident! People shouldn’t text at all while they’re driving, it takes your eyes off the road for five seconds when you look away from your windshield and travel over 100 feet before looking back again at the road ahead. While putting on makeup or eating food can also take drivers’ focus off what’s in front of them.

Do not text and drive, find a safe time to pull over if you need to send a quick message or make a call, keep your phone out of sight when driving by putting it in the back seat or glove compartment so that you’re less tempted to look at it while on the road, set an alarm as a reminder whenever you want to check messages instead of texting behind the wheel, etc. There are also apps available for phones which can help limit distractions by sending auto-reply texts saying “I’m driving right now” with another option where users can select preset replies like “call me later”. These kinds of distraction prevention tools should be used carefully so drivers aren’t overwhelmed with their devices even when they’re not driving.

Driving Drowsy

The most common causes of road accidents include distracted driving, speeding, and drunk driving. However, drowsy driving is also a very serious cause for concern. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “drowsiness was present in 19 percent of all fatal crashes” during 2005-2009. Drowsy drivers are more likely than other types of motorists to be involved in single-car crashes that result in rollover or collisions with stationary objects such as trees or guardrails. This puts them at greater risk because they do not have airbags or seat belts which would protect their safety if something were to go wrong on the roads around them when they start feeling fatigued behind the wheel. If you feel sleepy while driving, it is best to not start your trip in the first place. If you have already started and felt yourself losing concentration behind the wheel because of sleep deprivation, then turn on some music or open a window for fresh air to keep you awake until you can get safely off the road.


Road accident statistics show that speeding occurs in almost half (49%) of all fatal or serious collisions on roads each year, with some drivers exceeding speed limits by over 50mph. Speeding up may cause you to drive into another vehicle if it pulls out unexpectedly ahead, braking can make your tires skid due to locked wheels if they lose grip at high speeds, and there’s also an increased chance of crashing into a stationary object or losing control if you’re too close to the vehicle in front.

Driving at faster speeds increases your chances of being involved in an accident because it takes longer for drivers to react when they need to brake suddenly due to unexpected changes on the road ahead. This means that speeding can lead to rear-end collisions which are among the most common types of crashes involving cars. Multiple accidents have likely been caused by people who were driving above speed limits so this practice should be prohibited everywhere possible, although particularly near schools where children may run onto roads unexpectedly.

The most common causes of road accidents are speeding and driving under the influence. Being a responsible driver is extremely important to keep you and everyone else safe from harm. Hopefully, this article has given some insight into what parents should teach their kids before permitting them to drive alone or getting behind the wheel themselves for those who have been approved at such an early age.