Python Vs. Java: Should You Choose or Learn Both of Them?

The era we live in is undeniably digital, and the trend is not about to cease. Even more so, digitalization is only expected to expand and grow. Thus, the demand for specialists in the IT segment is going to grow. If you feel that you can cope with a job working in this field or want to become a part of the industry that changes the world and become a programmer, it is time to compare the two most popular languages. These are Python and Java. Learn about their main strengths and flaws.

The field of development can be subdivided into the following specialties:

  • software,
  • game,
  • mobile apps design, and
  • web programming.

If you intend to become a development specialist (regardless of a specific niche), consider the languages ​​that are the most demanded today. Even if you are still a student, and learning these languages is not yet foreseen by your curriculum, it is worth entrusting secondary tasks to rapidessay specialists and devoting some time to mastering one of the top programming languages (or even several).

Since programming languages ​​are the basis of every product of the IT field, it is crucial to understand how developers choose among them, which aspects they take into consideration, and how to determine the benefits of a particular language that will be necessary for the development of software. So, which language is a better solution to your project? Let us compare the two most popular ones.

1.   Python

The language’s popularity has not yet reached its peak. As per Stack Overflow, the programming language has steadily increased its popularity and demand among developers and IT specialists during the past five years. Besides, the TIOBE index forecasts that it will soon overtake Java and C. If you have decided to learn Python as the development language, you are not alone.

Among the IT fields that work on Python, there are:

  • machine learning,
  • AI,
  • Big Data,
  • Robotics, and even

Main Advantages of Python

Developers working with it cope with their tasks easily and quickly. The main reason for this is that Python is a simple and general-purpose language. One can utilize it to develop anything that is required. Another benefit is that it’s also free and open-source. There are numerous libraries you can make use of. It is also worth mentioning the following pros:

  • Compatible with all platforms of UNIX, MS-DOS, macOS, Windows and Linux, and other Unix-like OS.
  • Strong compatibility with Unix, hardware, third-party software.
  • Owing to its high speed of processing, Python can be used for writing both small scripts and large programs such as Blender 3D.

Among the disadvantages, one may mention that there are no access modifiers (protected, private and public).

2.   Java

It is the most well-known programming language. Its history started back in 1995, and it has been in demand since those times. This general-purpose language is used for mobile apps and game development, especially for Android.

Some Statistics

  • It is ranked among the top-paid programming languages.
  • 9 million developers opt for Java.
  • 7 billion devices use it across the world.
  • In 2019, Java was the first in the TIOBE programming community, making up 16.25% of the top-50 ranking of programming languages.

Among the main benefits, one should list the following:

  • Cross-platform compatibility;
  • Enterprise frameworks (Java EE and Spring stack) popular among developers.
  • Low entry threshold for a beginner.
  • You can write for Android OS.
  • It can integrate with other JVM languages, i.e., Scala, Kotlin, Groovy.

There are still some cons among which it is possible to mention that its performance is lower than native languages have, and there is a lot of boilerplate code.

As you can see, these two languages are popular, and the demand for them is not going to cease. If you want to become a professional in the field, learn both of them. It will be a great benefit for you.