How to Achieve a Higher Jump in Basketball

Many people practice and aim to make higher jumps as a tactic to dominate on the basketball court. The benefits of improving your jump are numerous despite your position in the court. Apart from giving you a physical advantage, training for a higher increase allows you to train your muscles and nervous system and maximize your power output. As a player that needs to improve your jump, however, you must build a foundation that allows your body to function at its optimum. In this article, we discuss how you can exercise to achieve a higher jump in basketball.

1. Devise a Plan

The first step towards achievement in many fields is to ensure that you have a plan. This plan should include details such as how you will develop your game, track your progress, and stay committed to your course. The ways you track progress include making a vision board, having a workout journal, and creating alarms that are meant to remind you of your practice schedule. These are just examples of the ways you can use to track progress. In basketball, vertical jumps, especially, are essential. Matthew Godley stated on his latest jumping blog that with jumping program exercises, it should be easy. It should take a short period to accomplish your goal. The hard part is finding a system that works for you. However, when you establish what works for you, and through a set guide, you will be on your way to success.

2. Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises are suitable for your body and are one of the best and quickest ways you can make vertical progress. To gain your vertical through these exercises, the exercises have to stretch your muscles, especially those that are tense and tight. When your muscles are tight, you cannot reach full muscle contraction, which means your vertical jump is restricted. For optimal athletic performance, you need to warm up and stretch properly. Instead of restricting these activities before and after your regimen, make them a part of your regimen. Open your hips with exercises such as the pigeon pose, the butterfly stretch, and the sumo squat. Use equipment such as lacrosse balls and a foam roller to help you open up the tight areas of your body. Always remember that stretching can do so much for your body than can be credited. 

3. Plyometric Exercises Do the Trick

Plyometric exercises help build a strong foundation for you because they use maximum muscle energy and within short intervals of time. Plyometric exercises are not just useful for improving the jump; they are essential for enhancing speed and strength. They help improve your jump because they teach an individual to be explosive and quick and use large amounts of energy for maximum impact. Examples of these exercises jump exercises such as jump squats, lateral box jumps, jumping lunges, and jump rope. Add these jumps with your purpose, and you will have the best jump.

4. Diversify Your Training

Most players and coaches believe that traditional strength training is the primary way to improve vertical leaps in basketball. However, other non-strength training techniques can improve your ability to jump high. Some of these exercises include:

Single leg box jumps: A single-leg box jump is beneficial because it works on smaller muscles that are overlooked when training, and yet they help stabilize the body of a player when they take a vertical leap. This exercise will also help with coordination and improve single-leg jumping comfort. 

Hurdle jumps: Just like the hurdle jump race, this exercise involves jumping over obstacles. You might have to find the right balance for your players because some players respond better to single hurdles than multiple hurdles in a row. You might improvise according to your players and have more than one row of obstacles for maximum impact. 

Seated box jumps: Players start by sitting on a bench and resting their knees at a 90-degree angle. They then proceed to jump out of that position into a box positioned before them without leaning back. This exercise helps athletes learn how to explode.

5. Strength Exercises

Focused weight training can improve muscle fibers, which are essential for vertical jumps in basketball. Encourage your players to focus on speed and on fixing their form for maximum impact. Some of the best strength exercises include kettlebell swings, box squats, and traditional deadlifts. 

Perfecting your art in basketball involves more than just practice. For the best results, an individual needs to develop this talent with focused practice. Improving your vertical jump can be challenging. With dedication, focus, and training, however, you will reach your goals.