The Story Behind the "M"

The "M" is 620 feet above the Missoula Valley floor. It is 125' feet long and 100' feet wide. University of Montana forestry students cut the switchbacks into the side of the hill in the early 1900's. The first "M" was assembled out of whitewashed rocks in 1909, and given a fresh coat of paint by freshmen every year, until 1968, when all those rocks were cemented together with concrete.

Photo by Nelson Kenter,

Posts Tagged ‘Missoula Emergency Preparedness’

Reasons Why You Should Always Know The Location Of Nearby Emergency Services

While you may not be exactly able to avoid any harm that befalls you and your family, you can at least try to minimize its impact. Here's how you minimize the impact of an emergency. ... more

What You Need to Have in Your Emergency Kit

There is nothing more dangerous than being unprepared in an emergency situation, and the sooner you prepare your essential supplies, the better. ... more

Tips and Tricks for Navigating the Winter Months in Missoula

Preparing for emergency situations in winter is a task that remains a challenge not only for the county, but also to its residents.... more

Emergency Notifications: Smart911 is Your Answer

By NICK HOLLOWAY - The Missoula Office of Emergency Management reminds us: May is National Wildfire Awareness month. Is your family’s ready should a wildfire threaten your property?... more

Is Your Family Ready For Wildfire Season?

By NICK HOLLOWAY - The Missoula Office of Emergency Management reminds us: May is National Wildfire Awareness month. Is your family’s ready should a wildfire threaten your property?... more

Should I Stay or Should I Go: Evacuations in Missoula County

By NICK HOLLOWAY - During an emergency or a disaster, your family may need to evacuate to a safe location. Take the time now to learn what to do to keep your family safe. ... more

“9-1-1 On Steroids” Can Save Your Life

The Missoula County Office of Emergency Management encourages Missoulians to sign up for new life-saving emergency response program.... more