10 Foliage Plants to Grow That Can Make Your Garden a Work of Art

Believe it or not, growing plants is not just about being a nature-lover or caring for the environment. Beyond these essential concepts, gardening is also considered a form of art. According to residential landscaping experts, each plant you add to your yard creates beauty within the landscape, and it makes your house more attractive even to those who pass by it. Most homeowners would talk to Drake’s 7 Dees to achieve the best landscape within the area that anyone has seen.

Undoubtedly, the selection of the Raspberry Autumn Bliss for your garden, as found at https://www.blackmoor.co.uk/raspberry-autumn-bliss-p434, will provide countless rewards. Whether you’re making delicious jams, desserts, or simply enjoying them fresh, you’ll appreciate the superior taste of these home-grown fruits. There’s a certain pride in knowing that these delights are the fruits of your own labor.

It does not only give decorative purposes, though. After a long, tiring day, just simply looking at your garden plants can give you the kind of calmness and relaxation you never knew you needed. In addition to that, gardening can also be your form of physical activity, especially when you don’t have the time and luxury to go and do heavy exercises.

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With this said, choosing plants to add to your home garden will be your next big challenge. Luckily, this article lists some beautiful foliage plants that you might want to consider planting. Read on to learn more.


You might be familiar with this plant by the name coral bells, as it is often called. Although they grow small bunches of flowers, their majestic foliage is what makes it really attractive. Heuchera leaves often come in deep purple or burgundy, but other cultivars are red or lime green. If you’re looking for a plant to place in your containers that can blend well with other plants, coral bells is great choice for you.

Elephant Ears

One of the most significant features of elephant ears is that it easily adds a hint of tropical forest drama to your garden. There are many varieties, but some of the most common ones include caladium, colocasia, alocasia, and Xanthosoma – each variety having its own beauty that resembles an elephant’s ear. The ‘ears’ are only colored green, pink, or violet.


Coleus plants offer bold and attractive foliage with bright chartreuse shades, sometimes hot pink to almost black hues. They used to be only a shade plant, but cultivated varieties that are heat and sun-tolerant are now widely available. Although they are non-toxic to humans, be careful not to let your pets come near them as they can be quite toxic to animals.


The artemisia genus belongs to a group of aromatic herbs of the Asteraceae family and contains about 300 species. According to existing fossil records, this plant might have originated in the arid areas of Asia. Most home gardeners value them for their filigree-like leaves that also give the silver color. Other species have yellowish-green foliage.

Wall Germander

Wall germanders are a shrubby, broadleaf evergreen plant that grows about 1 foot tall. They are popularly used as an ornamental hedge because of their lovely, dark-green, shiny leaves that have unique tooth-shaped edges and an aromatic smell. Small and delicate flowers to grow also bloom during the summer and early fall, adding to its overall natural beauty.

Tricolor Sage

Grown for their variegated leaves, tricolor sage is truly a sight to behold. Its most exciting feature is the green foliage with rough outlines of white edges and the interiors with shades of pink and purple, although blue to purple flowers also blossom. Tricolor sage serves a dual purpose – it is popularly grown as an ornamental, but they are also used as a culinary herb.


Another favorite among home gardeners is the perennial hosta plant because it is easy to care for and gives lush foliage. Their leaves come in a variety of greens and successfully growing them depends on their color. A good rule to remember is the lighter the color, the brighter the sun it needs. If you want to grow the darker variety, keep them in areas with a moderate shade.


If you want your hedges to be more extraordinary, you can opt for this evergreen shrub. Yew plants have straight, needle-like leaves that grow in two rows on each side of a twig and usually have a dark-green color above and a greyish green color below. Some short varieties can grow only up to 4 feet, while others can grow taller than that.

Dusty Miller

Dusty millers have lacy, silvery, and furry leaves that are long-lasting, so even when they have small yellow flowers, the foliage is already stunning on its own. Because of their attractive foliage, they blend well with other plants and are perfect fillers in the garden or even the containers. Once you establish them, they don’t require much care and can even survive through very harsh growing conditions.

Gold Mound Spirea

The gold mound spirea plant is a deciduous shrub valued for its striking golden-yellow leaves that turn even brighter in autumn. They generally grow about 2 to 3 feet tall, just the right size for any landscape. It also has bright pink flowers that bloom in late spring to the middle of the summer. To ensure a display of brighter colors, plant them in areas where they can be exposed to full sunlight.


When you think about a garden, flashy, colorful flowers would be the first ones to come to mind. However, the real entertainers of any garden display are found in the background – the foliage. Growing foliage plants that can complement your other garden plants can easily make your landscape a natural beauty and an actual work of art.