The Definitive Guide To Burning Scented Candles Safely At Home

Candles create a romantic atmosphere at home dinners and other festive occasions in the modern world. They’ve been used to create a peaceful atmosphere in spaces for decades. Aside from their minimal light sources and aroma scents, they can help to create a relaxing environment. Another benefit of burning candles is that it improves your mental health and well-being.

It’s easy to light the flame. You must, however, adhere to proper candle care and safety guidelines. With their products, all candle manufacturers include safety instructions so it’s a great place to start learning how to get the most out of your candles while staying safe.

How To Burn Scented Candles Safely At Home

When you burn scented candles, you’re releasing volatile organic compounds, which can put your health at risk. As a result, it’s critical to use them responsibly. Even though scented candles produce carbon monoxide, they emit soothing scents. Before you light your favorite candle, take a moment to review the following safety tips.

Get A Suitable Surface

Make sure your candle is placed on a suitable, durable, and heat-resistant surface before lighting it. Your candle will heat up in whatever container it is in overtime. Make sure you don’t burn or leave a mark on your beautiful rosewood table. If you’re going to use a dish or a stand, make sure it’s not wobbling. Any dripping wax should be caught in a good surface holder or container.  

Always Trim The Wick and Check for Debris

Every time you burn your candle, take your time to trim the wick to a quarter-inch or less. Long wicks or wicks that are tilted can cause:

  • Smoldering
  • Dripping wax
  • Flares that are extremely hot and dangerous

Also, make sure the candleholder is fire-resistant, long-lasting, and large enough to prevent wax from leaking out while the candle is burning.

Ensure Your Room is Well Ventilated

Candles should be lit in a well-ventilated area. Drafts, vents, and air currents should be avoided. This reduces shooting, excessive dripping, and quick or uneven burning. Take the time to read the manufacturer’s instructions for burn time and usage. Candles should be burned for less than four hours and allowed to cool for at least two hours before relighting.

Keep the Flame Away From Moving Air

Keep your candle flame away from moving air sources such as fans, wind, and high traffic zones. The flame may move and strike the container’s sides, leaving black soot marks. The wick may be buried in the melted wax by the blowing wind. Furthermore, the wax may be blown into the room, causing smoke to be released into the atmosphere.

Keep Away From Other Sources of Heat

A candle on a windowsill may be fine, but will the curtains blow into the flame if the window is opened? Keep an eye on what’s going on around your candle and how a change in the environment could cause an issue. 

Find A Candle With Muti-wicks

Look for a candle with multiple wicks if you need an extra-wide candle for a candle holder or vase. A single wick on a broad candle will never produce enough heat to completely melt the wax across the top, resulting in a tunnel. The greater the number of wicks in a candle, the more heat it produces and the faster the wax melts.

Burn The Scented Candle To The Maximum Amount of Time

It should last no longer than four hours. Carbon will begin to accumulate on the wick after 4 hours, making it unstable. The flame will be too large for the wick, causing soot to be released into the air and around the container. 

Other safety tips for burning candle include:

  • Never leave a scented candle burning unattended. It poses a significant fire risk.
  • If your scented candle has less than a half-inch of wax left, replace it.
  • If you don’t have a wick trimmer, trim the wick with a small pair of scissors.
  • Instead of blowing on the flame, use a snuffer to put it out.
  • Allow the candle to cool completely before handling or moving it.
  • Use long matches to light your scented candles.
  • Keep wick trimmings, matches, and other combustible materials out of the wax pool.
  • Avoid lighting candles in drafty areas.

It’s as easy as ABC to light a candle, and it’s good for your health. They can also be used to disguise odors in your home. However, if they are not used properly, they may pose a threat. Inhalation of these toxic contaminants drifting in the air may contribute to developing health risks such as common allergies in someone who lights a candle every day. You’re safe at home if you use it mildly to avoid soot and tunneling.