The Ultimate Guide for Exam Preparation

So, you have an exam coming up. Are you nervous? Don’t be! Lots of us have to take exams for a new position at work, to pass a class at college, get into a school, or for many other reasons. Whatever exam you are preparing for, we have some tips and tricks on revision, exam prep, and exam best practices to relieve your stress and help you feel more prepared. Even if it’s your first exam for many years, we can help you. Sound good? Read on to find out more.

Look After Yourself

Our first tip is arguably our most important. While there are plenty of other useful tips to follow, without taking care of yourself first, none of them will be as helpful. Exams take up a lot of brainpower, so you need to be in a good physical condition to concentrate, revise, and actually learn. Make sure in the weeks leading up to your exam you are sleeping well. Aim for 7-9 hours per night, especially in the final few days. The more good rest your brain gets, the better you will feel. 

Alongside this, make sure your diet is good. Eat plenty of green vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats – which are essential for brain function. In the days leading up to your exam, even though you may be stressed, avoid alcohol or other substances that may disturb your sleep. A rested mind is a strong mind! You’ll need all the energy you can get.

Take a Course

You may not think this is appropriate for you, especially if your exam is part of a course at work or school, but you can never get enough learning done. You may find that taking an online course with a different tutor or a slightly different approach helps you learn more. If you have some spare time in your evenings or weekends, why not take a short course or join a study group to try to solidify your knowledge. Obviously, following on from our first point, we don’t recommend this if your schedule is already jam-packed. Don’t heap extra pressure on yourself at the expense of sleep, for example. But, if you have the time, an extra course on your subject matter can do no harm.

Revision Tips

When revising, there are a few key tips to help ensure you are taking in the most information possible. Firstly, your study area should be a neat and tidy space separate from other people or distractions. Studying at the kitchen table surrounded by kids won’t be as helpful as setting up a little office in another room. Plan your revision time well. For example, you may choose to work on your studies from 6-8 pm every night, breaking down subjects by day. When revising, use different activities to challenge yourself. Take online quizzes, use revision cards, or ask someone to verbally test you on the material. Varying these things helps you answer questions more quickly and whilst under pressure.

Take Your Time

When sitting the exam, it’s easy to let the pressure override you and make you feel the need to rush. There is no need to do this, exams are designed to give you ample time to answer everything with a little bit of pressure! Don’t dive in, take your time, read through the paper first, ensuring you understand properly what each question is asking of you. Then, start to answer the questions. This way, you have a clear picture of what’s ahead and will feel more confident to start answering properly.

Look for Wrong Answers First

Not 100% sure on the answer to a question? Before you start writing or deciding your multiple-choice answer, think about what you know is definitely the wrong answer. If you can eliminate one or two choices or take an entire subject out of your mind, you’ve won half the battle. Even if you still aren’t convinced that you’re on the right path, at least you know you definitely aren’t on that particular wrong path. At the very least, you’re heading in a better direction with your answer than you could have been. Also, aim to answer questions you feel super confident at answering first. Leave the things you know you’re going to seriously struggle with to last. Get the marks you know you can get first!

With these handy tips on exam preparation, you should be able to dive headfirst into your upcoming exams with a little more confidence. Remember to take your time and look after yourself, study hard, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. After all, an exam can be retaken if you really need to.