How to Enjoy Drinking a Cafe-Quality Coffee in the Office

If you’re a coffee person, then you don’t need any introduction to the value and effects of an ideal, perfect cup of coffee. You’re also well aware that most of the time, the options available at your workspace coffee station are mediocre at best. The question to ask is, is there a way to achieve a perfect taste from your cup of coffee work? Thankfully, the answer is yes! Read on to finally figure out the best way to enjoy cafe-quality coffee at work. The best way to actually make this project a reality is to make sure that you have enough people on board so you can all pitch in and get the best of the best.

Quality Coffee Beans

It really doesn’t matter how much you do to create the perfect cup of coffee if you don’t have the right coffee beans. You can even have fun with it and try and test different blends with all the coffee lovers in the office until you all vote on your favorite ones. In order to really enjoy a fresh taste and have control over how strong your coffee at work is, it’s best if you get a portable coffee grinder and make a fresh batch every morning.

Upgrade the Office Coffee Machine

Chances are, the coffee machine that you currently have at work has a few years behind it. Either that, or it’s a very basic machine that doesn’t do the coffee justice. If all the coffee lovers at work pitch in, you can eventually collect enough money to get a proper coffee machine with all the features that make the perfect cup of coffee. Alternatively, in some countries such as Australia, you have the option to rent a coffee machine for a period of time. The machines displayed on can give you great insight to the kinds of models available. This is a brilliant option because not only do you have to pay less, but you can actually test drive a few machines over the span of a number of months so that you know exactly which machine suits you and your office needs best. 

Foam Matters

The little touches really do make all the difference, and just because you’re at work, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pamper yourself and your colleagues to the extras. You should aim to get a machine that has a steaming pitcher so that you can froth your milk to create the perfect consistency of foam and froth. Go the extra mile and learn a couple of simple but fun tricks to create those fun images using the foam.

Have a Variety of Spices

What a lot of cafes do is that they elevate the flavor of coffee by adding certain spices to them. So why not do the same at the office. You should explore and provide a variety of options so that coffee time becomes that much more adventurous for everyone at work. Think about vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, cocoa for a mocha twist, and pumpkin spice to bring in the holidays.

Storage is Essential

Something that we often overlook, especially in the workplace, is how we store the coffee. Coffee can go stale if not sealed properly and stored in the correct temperature. It has to be stored in an airtight container and it needs to be kept at room temperature to maintain its freshness and flavor. Get a set for the office that has labels so that you can identify the coffee, sugar, creamer and tea without having to constantly open and close all the containers. It’s also important to make sure that you have a container to put the batch of coffee beans separately, and the ground amount that you’re going to use for the day separately. Lastly, don’t forget to have a separate spoon for each item because you don’t want to have the creamer or sugar mixed in the coffee powder or beans, because this will certainly compromise the freshness and flavor.

There are a few factors that go into creating the perfect cup of coffee at work. And even though initially, it might seem that there’s a lot to be done, you’ll find that when you bring everything together, it doesn’t take much more time than it would to make a standard cup of coffee- but the flavor and quality will be worlds apart! So don’t waste any more time, gather your fellow coffee addicts and start planning for the coffee stand makeover right away.