Are Your Plants Dying? Here’s How to Bring Them Back to Life

Plants complete our lives. They make part of the food we eat, our shelter, and the air we breathe. They bring forth rains and add glamour to the beauty of our homes and surroundings. That is why we should let go of our ego and do whatever it takes to ensure that our plants grow up healthily.

One of the effective ways of nurturing a plant from nursery to its horticultural maturity is by preventing it from dying. Seems impossible? A plant that looks dead can miraculously come back to life if subjected to the right care. Keep reading to learn how to give back life to a plant.

  • Change Your Watering Habits

Plants indeed need water for survival, but too much of it may be detrimental to its health. The plant will also show dying signs if you supply it with insufficient amounts of water. When you identify any warning signs such as dry leaves in your plant, assess your watering habits, and make any necessary adjustments. Over-watering the plant will drain the nutrients in the soil, making the plant deficient of some nutrients. If the plant is housed in a container, the water won’t drain. Instead, it will cause root decay, thus rendering the plant lifeless. Under-watering the plant will deny it a basic necessity for its growth and development.

  • Change The Pot/Container

Your plants will grow and bloom beautifully inside their container, given that you supply them with the right nutrients and proper care. The increase in the size of the plant would imply the need for extra space and nutrients. Thus, you have to change the pot; otherwise, the plant will outgrow the pot and die due to lack of sufficient nutrients. In line with experts from Harper Nurseries, transferring the plant to a new container exposes it to a larger space, more fertile nutrients, and frees it from uninspired growth that may contribute to its death. While transplanting, ensure you fill your larger pot with fresh soil and fertilizer. 

  • Regulate The Humidity In Your Place

Is your houseplant withering even though you are watering it? Then that is perhaps because you have not checked the humidity levels around the plant. Low humidity levels outside your plant will increase the accumulation of heat inside it, thus accelerating its death. Therefore, it is essential always to measure the level of humidity in the area of your plant. If it’s too low, you can relocate the plant to another location or install humidifiers in the surrounding. Ensure that the plant is not positioned close to heat generators like heaters, vents, and radiators.

  • Get Rid of the Dead Leaves and Branches

Fallen leaves, dead branches, and shoots don’t mean you give up on the plant. If the above symptoms result from insufficient watering or dry air, you can still revive the plant. Prune all the dead leaves and branches, and then trim the bare stem until you spot a green color at its center. The green color at the center of the stem implies that there is still a chance to regrow it. Ensure that it has sufficient access to the right nutrients and water. Also, add pesticides to the soil to treat the roots of any infection.

  • Regulate Your Plants Access to Light

Plants need light to blossom and stay healthy. The amount of light required by a particular plant depends on its type. It is thus essential to inquire about the light requirements before you invest in it. Alternatively, you can tell the light conditions for your plant by just observing it. If its leaves are wrinkled, dark and pale, it could imply that your plant needs access to light.

Conversely, if the leaves look yellowish, crispy, or dead, it is an indication that you have exposed the plant to excess light. It would be best if you transferred it to shade or minimum brightness. In case your in-house plant needs light, you can use artificial lights like LED and CFL bulbs.

  • Inspect for Bugs and Debug Regularly

Bugs can kill your plant within a week. Inspect for the white patches on the leaves weekly and debug. The use of hot water and a piece of cotton towel to wipe the leaves is a proven way of debugging house plants. Ensure you treat the leaves with a natural horticultural spray, since pesticides may harm the plant or the people in the house. Repeat the process regularly to counter their multiplication.

There are many strategies you can use to give life to your plants. Some of these include Regulating their access to water, nutrients, light, and protecting them from bugs. You can also use custom strategies provided that they add value to the health of your plant.