Fleet Management Tips: Getting Drivers to Take Care of Vehicles

With little time to take vehicles for servicing, fleet managers are left with no option other than to have drivers take care of the vehicles assigned to them. This allows more time for better service delivery to customers. However, not all drivers buy this idea without a fight or negligence. To them, service delivery is being at the client’s doorsteps at the right time while someone else should care for the vehicle.

According to a reputable fleet solutions expert, care starts when drivers can ensure that their vehicles can be located appropriately by the fleet manager. This is why EyeRide AVL is a crucial product for any fleet. So, here we will discuss some of the best ways to get drivers to take care of the fleet vehicles.

Setting the SOPs and Policies

Any organization that has employees needs some policies to govern them. In any fleet management firm, it is the obligation of the management to come up with policies and standard operating procedures, which will be given to the drivers. Such policies need to describe the acceptable conditions under which drivers should maintain the vehicles assigned to them at all times.

Vehicles that deal with service delivery like towing will need policies that dictate how to maintain a strong engine at all times. On the other hand, those that deal with transportation of people like coaches and fleets or those that deal with sales of products will require policies that indicate the physical appearance of the fleet vehicles. When policies are set and implemented well, the fleet management will have an easy time.

Training the Drivers

Some of the drivers may assume that it is not their responsibility to take care of the fleet vehicle. Even with policies in place, the battle between managers and the drivers is just beginning. However, training and education ensure that the drivers can understand why they have to take care of the vehicle. It also goes a long way to tell them the effects of the increase in costs both for them and the company.

The training of drivers should be frequent rather than only when one joins the company. People forget quickly and tend to go back to their old habits. With constant reminders, managers can rest assured that there will be a difference.

Rewarding the Best

Creating a form of competition in the care of fleet vehicles by drivers is a great idea. Each one of them will want to win the prize at the end of the day. For instance, you can reward the driver whose vehicle will visit the service bay the fewest times by the end of the month. Since this is as simple as applying the set policies, all will want to be the winners and take home something extra. The end results will be well-maintained fleet vehicles and lower costs for the company.


Even though the drivers are tasked and urged to take care of the fleet vehicles, fleet managers should lead by example. They need to take care of what they have so that others cannot point fingers at them. This two-way street will be the pacesetter for better care of fleet vehicles.